2 月 2025
距离 2024 年大选仅剩 60 天,美国警告称,影响力行动将加强。根据刚刚发布的情报评估,俄罗斯是"最活跃的外国影响力威胁"。伊朗"正在加大努力。多管齐下的办法"中国专注于下级选举
3 月 前
Putin held an operational meeting of the Security Council, proposed to discuss the system of control of airspace on the territory of Russia
Pro-Russian “Renaissance” Party, affiliated to fugitive oligarch Ilan Shor, registered as a participant in referendum. The party will promote the “NO” voting option in the referendum for european integration of Moldova
Leaders of the Russian opposition Yuliya Navalnaya and Vladimir Kara-Murza met the representatives of the foreign affairs committee during their visit to the parliament. Their message was clear: It is a view of the future without Putin. The view that one day Russia can be a free, peaceful and democratic state. nnThere are millions of people in Russia who oppose the completely reprehensible war of aggression against Ukraine. According to Navalnaya and Kara-Murza, it is important that the free world also sees this other Russia, which is not Putin's Russia. According to Navalnaya and Kara-Murza, there is a different Russia beyond Putin3 月 前
Leaders of the Russian opposition Yuliya Navalnaya and Vladimir Kara-Murza met the representatives of the foreign affairs committee during their visit to the parliament. Their message was clear: It is a view of the future without Putin. The view that one day Russia can be a free, peaceful and democratic state. nnThere are millions of people in Russia who oppose the completely reprehensible war of aggression against Ukraine. According to Navalnaya and Kara-Murza, it is important that the free world also sees this other Russia, which is not Putin's Russia. According to Navalnaya and Kara-Murza, there is a different Russia beyond Putin
3 月 前
3 月 前
Russian Finance Ministry: Russia's budget deficit initially reached $3.6 billion in the period from January to August
据 Politico 报道,杜罗夫拒绝了俄罗斯和阿联酋向他提供的外交援助。
3 月 前
俄罗斯航空对苏梅地区的苏梅、赫里岑科韦、西梅基内、帕蒂赞斯克、亚姆皮尔、尤纳基夫卡、里奇卡、基亚尼察、新西奇、克拉斯诺皮利亚、比利察、苏梅地区的德尔诺韦、哈尔科夫、齐尔库尼、科利斯尼基夫卡、希基夫卡、哈尔科夫地区的伊祖姆斯克、科斯蒂安提尼夫卡、伊万诺皮利亚、谢尔比尼夫卡、德鲁日巴、托列茨克、奥列克桑德罗皮尔、谢利多夫、罗曼尼夫卡、维什涅夫、特苏库里涅、韦利卡·诺沃西尔卡、耶利扎韦蒂夫卡、武赫莱达尔、顿涅茨克地区的沃达内、扎波罗热地区的比洛希里亚和赫尔松地区的奥德拉多卡米扬卡, - 乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告
3 月 前
乌克兰武装力量总参谋部报告称,乌克兰军队在赫尔松轴线上击退了 3 次俄罗斯进攻
图拉州乌兹洛瓦亚镇 Plastik 工厂发生大火
Dimitri Simes 和他的妻子 Anastasia 被 @TheJusticeDept 指控违反美国制裁
3 月 前
OPEC Statement: Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Oman Extend Voluntary Cuts
别尔哥罗德州谢别基诺一人因炮击丧生3 月 前
Iran FM says any attempt to redraw boundaries in the region is “completely unacceptable and a red line for Iran”. This seems a reaction to Russia's support for establishing a corridor connecting Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan through Armenia
3 月 前
俄罗斯国防部称过去 24 小时内有 11 架海军无人机被摧毁