2 七一 2024
17 小時 前
@ZelenskyyUa:"如果美国害怕惹恼普京,这就是我们不被邀请(加入北约)的原因,那么我们要求我们的战略伙伴为我们提供保护我们的东西:爱国者、大量 F-16 战机,以及在(俄罗斯境内)使用武器的机会"
NATO representatives have expressed concern over Russia's actions in the NorthSea over the potential mining of critical Western infrastructure. Russian ships reportedly performed as many as a thousand suspicious manoeuvres
Due to a glitch, the Alfa Bank mobile application stopped working. According to users, due to a glitch, it is impossible to log into the bank's mobile application18 小時 前
Due to a glitch, the Alfa Bank mobile application stopped working. According to users, due to a glitch, it is impossible to log into the bank's mobile application
21 小時 前
Residents of the Belgorod region are complaining about massive power outages. There is no electricity throughout the entire region: in Belgorod and its suburbs, in the Belgorod, Valuysky, Shebekinsky districts, the city of Stary Oskol and other settlements, local Telegram channels write. The channels, citing power engineers, report that there will be no electricity until 13:00 Moscow time. The cause of the accident is not specified.
22 小時 前
俄罗斯国防部称,防空部队夜间在布良斯克、库尔斯克和别尔哥罗德地区击落了 36 架无人机
1 天 前
Explosions were reported in Lipetsk overnight1 天 前
Explosions were reported in Lipetsk overnight
Russian Ministry of Defense: on June 29, from 11:00 to 11:05, over the village of Es-Sukhneh, Homs province, at altitudes from 7.5 thousand to 8.5 thousand meters, there was once again a dangerous approach of the MQ-9 "Reaper" unmanned aerial vehicle "coalition" with the Su-35 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces
2 天 前
2 天 前
2 天 前
莫斯科州巴拉希哈镇一宿舍发生火灾 造成5人死亡
据乌克兰武装力量总参谋部报道,在切尔尼戈夫和苏梅地区,俄罗斯炮击了 Starykove、Novovasylivka、Khliborob、Romashkove、Prohres
The Kremlin says the outlook for relations between Moscow and Brussels is "bad"
3 天 前
布良斯克的 Kremniy El 微电子工厂和布良斯克州卡拉切夫市的一个军事单位夜间遭到无人机袭击
无人机袭击坦波夫州米丘林斯克区的石油库3 天 前
USSPACECOM statement on the break-up of RESURS-P1 (39186)
A Russian agency, citing sources: An expected visit by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to Russia next August
俄罗斯移民政策需要改变 - 巴斯特雷金
无人机袭击了特维尔州的罗德金斯基化工厂。该工厂生产航空燃料和其他化学品4 天 前
5 天 前
5 天 前
Vorkuya-Novorossiysk train derailed near Inta town of Komi republic, multiple passengers wounded5 天 前
Vorkuya-Novorossiysk train derailed near Inta town of Komi republic, multiple passengers wounded