4 月 2024
乌克兰武装部队总参谋部证实罗斯托夫州阿特拉斯石油库遭到袭击,并声称在乌克兰扎波罗热州被占领地区摧毁了山毛榉-M3 地对空导弹
5 天 前
South Korea protests to Russia and China entry of their military aircraft into Korea's air defence identification zone without notice
俄罗斯航空对Lyptsi、Neskuchne、Kupyansk、Ivanivka、Serebryanske森林、Zakitne、Scherbynivka、Myrolubivka、Dachenske、Lysivka、Novooleksandrivka进行了空袭 - 乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告
Russia Defense Minister visits North Korea, according to Russian media
罗斯托夫州卡缅斯克-沙赫廷斯基油库疑似遭无人机袭击 发生火灾5 天 前
罗斯托夫州卡缅斯克-沙赫廷斯基油库疑似遭无人机袭击 发生火灾
Situation is still tense on the right side of the parliament, police are flashing a strong light against protesters as they flash green lasers at the police. People keep chanting “Russians”
According to Iranian sources, the Russian-trained 25th Special Mission Forces Division (formerly Tiger Forces) have been deployed to Aleppo to retake parts of the M5 highway
Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili: Today marks the end of the constitutional coup unfolding for weeks. The course set months ago, taking us from Europe toward Russia, has now concluded. Today, this illegitimate government declared not peace, but war—on its own people, past, and future
昨天,叛军宣布他们摧毁了一支 FPV 无人机小队,在阿勒颇西部有数名俄罗斯人被击毙/俘虏。现在已通过目视确认了这一点
5 天 前
5 天 前
普京声称,俄罗斯向乌克兰军事设施发射了 100 枚导弹,以回应对库尔斯克地区布良斯克的袭击。俄罗斯还可以在一次袭击中发射多枚奥列什尼克导弹,这可以与核打击相提并论
乌克兰武装力量总参谋部报告称,乌克兰军队在赫尔松轴线上击退了 6 次俄罗斯军队的进攻
6 天 前
俄罗斯航空对伊万尼夫卡、托尔斯克、瓦苏基夫卡、尼基福里夫卡、马尔科夫、托列茨克、潘捷列莫尼夫卡、Myrolubivka、Velyka Novosilka、Novosilka、Stupochky、Dovha Balka和Minkivka进行了空袭 - 乌克兰武装部队总参谋部
India, Russia agree to "expand joint exercises" at fourth meeting of the Working Group on Military Cooperation under the India – Russia Inter Governmental Commission on Military and Military-Technical Cooperation (IRIGC-M&MTC)
另外 3 架 Tu-95MS 轰炸机从恩格斯机场起飞,向南飞往里海
6 天 前
俄罗斯克拉斯诺达尔和罗斯托夫地区一夜之间被击落多架无人机 - 当地政府
至少有 4 架图-95MS 轰炸机从奥列尼亚机场起飞,向南飞行
Russia's extensive use of hybrid measures against western targets increases the risk that NATO may eventually consider invoking the alliance's Article 5 mutual defence clause, the head of Germany's foreign intelligence service said
Russian warplanes raid the village of San, east of Idlib
Head of German foreign intelligence: Russia's is aiming to prove that NATO will not stand united in an article 5 scenario - Reuters
Head of German foreign intelligence service: the Kremlin sees Germany as an adversary, we are in a direct confrontation with Moscow - Reuters
Central Bank of Russia suspends currency purchases until the end of 2024
俄罗斯将驱逐两名 ARD 记者 - 俄罗斯外交部
1 週 前
俄罗斯航空对苏梅地区的比洛沃迪、斯帕斯克、皮托姆尼克、维索卡雅鲁哈、哈尔科夫地区的库里利夫卡、伊万尼夫卡、莱曼、扎里奇涅、斯拉维扬斯克、托列茨克、卡捷琳尼夫卡、克拉马托尔斯克、泽莱涅、波克罗夫斯克、库拉霍夫、乌斯佩尼夫卡、顿涅茨克地区的科马尔、帕夫利夫卡进行了空袭,马拉托克马奇卡,扎波罗热州捷米里夫卡 - 乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告