18 十一 2024
3 月 前
据乌克兰武装力量总参谋部报道,乌克兰国防军在赫尔松轴线上击退了第聂伯河东岸的 5 次俄罗斯进攻
3 月 前
3 月 前
俄罗斯航空对赫利博克、利普西、马里普罗霍迪、斯塔里齐亚、哈尔科夫州辛基夫卡、特尔尼、莱曼、马基耶夫卡、斯皮尔讷、恰西夫亚尔、多布罗皮利亚、皮夫尼希内、托列茨克、奥列克桑德罗皮尔、乌曼斯克、波克罗夫斯克、热兰、普罗雷斯、阿尔汉赫尔斯克、卡特里尼夫卡、顿涅茨克地区的Urozhayne和Vodyane,扎波罗热地区的Huliaipole,Lobkove,Rivnopil,Kamyanske和Pyatykhatky, - 乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告
俄罗斯国防部称,一夜之间,33 架无人机和 10 架海军无人机在被占领的克里米亚附近被摧毁,另有 2 架无人机在俄罗斯布良斯克地区上空被摧毁
The Kremlin: Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince strongly praised the friendly relations between Russia and Saudi Arabia
The Kremlin: Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince stressed the importance of continuing cooperation within the framework of the OPEC alliance to ensure the stability of the energy market
Elering, AST, and Litgrid, electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) of the Baltic states, have notified Russian and Belarusian operators on the non-extension of the BRELL agreement, which is bound to expire in February of 2025. At that time, the three Baltic states will decouple from Russian and Belarusian grids to join the Continental Europe Synchronous Area.
U.S. Special Envoy for Hostage Affairs Roger Carstens tells @AspenSecurity he spoke to Paul Whelan, who is also being wrongly held by Russia, just 10 days ago. “We will bring both Paul Whelan and Evan Gershkovich home.” He recalled a phone call from Whelan shortly after Carstens negotiated Brittney Griner’s release. He had just dropped Brittney with her family and got a call from Whelan. Whelan, a former Marine, while disappointed that he was not part of the deal told Carstens it was “a great day for Brittney and a great day for America.” What a brave American. Carstens has worked for both Democratic and Republican Presidents at the State Department
3 月 前
US seeing increase in "intent to use" by Russia China of space and counterspace weapons, @DefenseIntel Dir LtGen Jeff Kruse tells @AspenSecurity
别尔哥罗德州舍别基诺发生爆炸3 月 前
克拉斯诺达尔发生大火3 月 前
3 月 前
别尔哥罗德州州长宣布乌克兰边境附近14个村庄为封闭安全区3 月 前
3 月 前
3 月 前
由于罗斯托夫核电站发电设备运行故障,俄罗斯南部电力系统被要求限制 1.5 吉瓦的能源消耗 - 能源部
Problems with mobile communications and the Internet are observed in the regions of the Far East among MTS and Beeline users
3 月 前
An emergency shutdown in Buryatia occurred at the power unit of the Gusinoozerskaya State District Power Plant; there are restrictions on the supply of electricity in the Transbaikalia power system. A power outage occurred in a number of microdistricts of Ulan-Ude in Buryatia
Security forces are conducting searches in the administration of the Babayurt district of Dagestan. This was reported by the district administration.
罗斯托夫附近发生大火3 月 前
Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Labs to wind down US operations
俄罗斯防空部队在罗斯托夫州卡缅斯克上空击落一架无人机3 月 前