18 九 2024
Ships of the Russian Baltic Fleet began calling at the port of Havana - TASS
乌克兰真理报消息人士称,乌克兰军方情报部门声称,乌克兰无人机隔夜袭击了俄罗斯的 Dyagilevo、Engels 和 Olenya 机场
Nine districts and two cities of Dagestan were partially left without power supply due to accidents on power lines, reports the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the republic. "Information was received about an emergency power outage partially in the territory of 130 settlements in 9 municipal districts. In total, as a result of an emergency power outage, more than 62 thousand people are cut off," the message says.
Image of the armored vehicles left by the Russian mercenaries (Wagner) after their escape to Tinzaouaten1 月 前
Image of the armored vehicles left by the Russian mercenaries (Wagner) after their escape to Tinzaouaten
1 月 前
俄罗斯航空对巴斯夫卡、蒂赫、赫利博克、沃夫昌斯克、利普齐、沃夫昌斯基库图里、库皮扬斯克-乌兹洛维、辛基夫卡、赫里霍里夫卡、查西夫亚尔、纽约、德鲁日巴、奥列克桑德罗皮尔和诺沃塞利夫卡佩沙、乌克兰、马拉托克马奇卡进行了空袭 - 武装部队总参谋部乌克兰报道
1 月 前
无人机袭击了梁赞的迪亚吉列沃机场和炼油厂1 月 前
1 月 前
A state of emergency has been declared in the Karabash district of the Chelyabinsk region due to a dam failure - Ministry of Emergency Situations
В Челябинской области, на Киалимском водохранилище прорвало плотину
Two Russian men arrested in Hamburg and 'Herzogtum Lauenburg' county on suspicion of membership in and providing material support for the foreign terrorist organization Islamic State: federal prosecutor general
库尔斯克州图约特金诺发生爆炸后发生火灾1 月 前
Former Deputy Defense Minister Dmitry Bulgakov was detained,- the FSB reported. The general is being investigated for corruption, he was placed in a pre-trial detention center
1 月 前
欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩 10 月 23 日宣布,欧盟将从冻结俄罗斯资产的收益中向乌克兰提供 15 亿欧元(约合 16 亿美元),用于国防和重建。
1 月 前
1 月 前
There was a problem with Telegram
1 月 前
One person died and seven more were injured during an explosion at the East Urengoy field in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. A powerful explosion occurred at about three o'clock in the morning at a gas production enterprise in the condensate processing workshop
Unknown people have barricaded themselves in a residential building in Kaspiysk and are threatening to blow it up. Local Telegram channels write that people were evacuated.