27 July 2024
2 year ago
A sitting State Duma deputy from Chechnya went on Instagram today & threatened (in Chechen) to behead both the relatives of a retired judge & anyone who translates his threat into Russian
Military convoy filmed in Belgorod region near the border of Ukraine2 year ago
Military convoy filmed in Belgorod region near the border of Ukraine
Military convoy geolocated at Slovyansk-na-Kubani, moving towards Crimea
Jens Stoltenberg: Continued coordination with @SecBlinken, @RauZbigniew and @JosepBorrellF on Russia's unjustified military build-up in and around Ukraine and our next steps
US told Kremlin it's willing to discuss giving Russia a way to verify there aren't Tomahawk cruise missiles stationed at NATO bases in Romania and Poland—on condition Russia shares similar info on certain bases in Russia, sources tell @JenniferJJacobs, @AlbertoNardelli and Henry Meyer
Russia adding to combat capabilities but also "sustainment & logistics" to forces surrounding Ukraine, per @PentagonPresSec "That includes field hospitals & doctors & nurses" "[Putin] has enough capability to move now if he wants to.he could move imminently" per Kirby
Military convoy filmed on the highway between Smolensk and Bryansk2 year ago
Military convoy filmed on the highway between Smolensk and Bryansk
Gazprom booked the capacity of the Polish section of the Yamal-Europe pipeline at the end of the gas day on February 1 from 0:00 to 8:00 Moscow time in the amount of 1.6 million cubic meters per hour. Yamal-Europe has not pumped gas in the forward direction (from east to west) since December 21 last year
The US has not shared the intel about the imminent Russian threat with Ukraine, the sources close to the Ukrainian government told. American officials are only citing the intel report but not sharing the document itself with Kyiv, they clarified
2 year ago
Orbán has raised his voice in Moscow against the EU's Russia sanctions policy: "Sanctions policies did not bring the desired effect in the case of Russia at all" - he said as if he had forgotten that he had also approved all of those sanctions in Brussels
2 year ago
The Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has confirmed to the BBC that he will visit Moscow next week for talks with Russia Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu
"We are very grateful" per Estonia PM @kajakallas, asked about @POTUS' handling of the Russia-Ukraine standoff "We feel we are also heard in this process"
.@SecBlinken has spoken with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Per @StateDeptSpox, he emphasized US willingness "to continue a substantive exchange with Russia on mutual security concerns," urged "immediate Russian de-escalation
2 year ago
Delayed phone call over Ukraine crisis between UK Prime Minister @BorisJohnson & Russian President Putin has been rescheduled and is now set to happen on Wednesday, the UK PM's spokesman says
2 year ago
With Russiasupplying about a third of European gas, tensions over Ukraine put the EU's EnergySecurity at risk. In a joint statement, @vonderleyen and @POTUS commit to intensifying energy cooperation to avoid shocks in case of an escalation
2 year ago
The troops of the Eastern Military District, as part of the test of the reaction forces of the Union State, were deployed at a distance of up to 10 thousand km, Shoigu said.
2 year ago
Russia is still preparing response on U.S and NATO reply to Russian security guarantees proposals, but Lavrov sent NATO’s MFAs document on understating of indivisibility of security - Russian Foreign Ministry
State Department orders departure of family members of US Embassy Belarus employees & warns American citizens not travel to the country amid an "unusual and concerning Russian military buildup along Belarus' border with Ukraine
Moscow responds to Biden: "We can confirm we received a written follow-up from Russia," says US official. "It would be unproductive to negotiate in public so we'll leave it up to Russia if they want to discuss their response"
Some navy vessels of Russia's Northern Fleet are heading South towards the Channel. Only the position of an associated tanker, the Vyazma, is visible. In its path is Danish frigate HDMS Peter Willemoes (F362), currently part of NATO's SNMG1 (NATO Standing Maritime Group 1)
Looks like a large scale deployment of Rosgvardiya continues
U.S. continues to see Russia move in additional ground forces "even over the course of the weekend" along the the Ukrainian border. "These are combined arms capable forces. so it's not just infantry, for instance - it's artillery, it's air defense"
Kirby says the U.S. delivered another security assistance package to Ukraine on Friday with more to come ahead. "[Biden] has been very clear we're not going to see American troops on the ground in combat with the Russians in Ukraine. He has made clear that's not on the table"
Biden says US 'ready no matter what' on Russia threat to Ukraine
2 year ago
Russia's naval build-up continues. Spanish navy spots six Russian warships from the Northern Fleet entering the Mediterranean Sea today and possibly "heading towards the Black Sea the vessels are carrying 60 tanks and over 1,500 soldiers
2 year ago
Putin, Macron discuss Ukraine, Russian 'security guarantees' in call: Kremlin
US prepared to sanction Kremlin 'inner circle' over Ukraine: White House
Baltic states condemn Russia's 'continued aggressive actions and threats against Ukraine,' call for troop withdrawal - Lithuanian envoy to UN
Addressing Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's complaints the west is hyping the potential for a Russian invasion, NATO Sec Gen Stoltenberg counters, "There is no sign this military buildup is slowing down. It continues. That's a fact; that's reality”
China joins Russia in opposing today's US-requested UN Security Council debate on Russian military build-up on Ukrainian border. China's ambassador says Beijing disagrees that Russia's actions post a threat to international stability