5 十一 2024
Shooting in Karachayevsk. The head doctor of the Central District Hospital, Dinislam Aidinov, was wounded. According to eyewitnesses, he was shot by two masked men.4 天 前
Shooting in Karachayevsk. The head doctor of the Central District Hospital, Dinislam Aidinov, was wounded. According to eyewitnesses, he was shot by two masked men.
A Russian disinfo campaign disclosed by the FBI argued that Twitter/X, had become “the only mass platform that could currently be utilized” in the United States.". because it was the only one that didn't remove Russian created content
4 天 前
4 天 前
Assad's forces bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the town of Al-Bara in the Idlib countryside
Prime Minister of Russia met Iran’s President Pezeshkian today in Tehran. He had earlier met Iranian first Vice President
Putin included Dyumin, Manturov and Skvortsova in the Russian Security Council, excluded Yakushev, who was dismissed from the post of presidential envoy to the Urals
Russian state spending on national defence will increase by 23% in 2025 to 13.5 trillion roubles ($145.32 billion) from 10.8 trillion roubles in 2024, state budget documents published on Monday showed
普京颁布法令启动新一轮征兵 秋季计划征兵13.3万人
俄罗斯航空对苏梅地区的库切里夫卡、斯图德诺克、沙利海涅、奥博迪、埃斯曼、雷维亚金、赫卢希夫、洛克尼亚、巴尼奇、博比利夫卡、沃夫昌斯克、穆拉夫斯克、佐洛切夫、泽莱尼海、博胡斯拉夫卡、切尔内斯基纳、哈尔科夫地区的伊祖姆斯克、卢甘斯克地区的新霍里夫卡进行了空袭、费多里夫卡、西韦尔斯克、扎基特内、恰西夫亚尔、瓦苏基夫卡、卡捷琳尼夫卡、托列茨克、德鲁日巴、科斯特丁尼夫卡、米尔诺赫拉德、多布罗皮利亚、里夫诺波尔、佐洛塔·尼瓦、舍甫琴科、库拉霍夫、乌罗扎伊内、新乌拉因卡、顿涅茨克地区博霍亚夫连卡、扎波罗热、比洛希里亚、伊夫卡、马拉·托克马奇卡的扎波罗热州和赫尔松州奥尔希夫卡市 - 乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告
5 天 前
A series of terrorist attacks and sabotage have been prevented in Ingushetia, and 7 suspects have been detained, the FSB reported.
5 天 前
“He began to complain of sharp pain in the stomach”: Official documents obtained by The Insider confirm Navalny was poisoned in prisonnnInitial versions of documents from Navalny's prison mention symptoms doctors unanimously attribute to poisoning
6 天 前
俄罗斯国防部声称一夜之间击落了 125 架无人机,其中伏尔加格勒地区有 67 架
6 天 前
俄罗斯空袭库切里夫卡、比洛科皮托韦、斯图德诺克、尤纳基夫卡、苏梅、帕夫利夫卡、亚布卢尼夫卡、比洛沃迪、希普瓦特、利普齐、彼得罗巴甫利夫卡、皮斯坎、基夫沙里夫卡、赫卢什基夫卡、西维尔斯克、亚塞诺夫、新达里夫卡、博霍亚夫连卡、诺沃达涅茨克、新达里夫卡、扎波里日、 zhya、利沃夫、哈夫里利夫卡,Sablukivka 和 Dudchany,- 乌克兰武装部队总参谋部报告
6 天 前
乌克兰武装力量总参谋部报告称,乌克兰军队在赫尔松轴线上击退了 3 次俄罗斯进攻
无人机袭击伏尔加格勒州科特卢班的弹药库6 天 前
罗斯托夫州齐姆兰斯克发生爆炸6 天 前
据报道,罗斯托夫州伏尔加顿斯克可能发生无人机袭击,并发生爆炸6 天 前
East Syria: there are reports Russian warplanes dropped thermite tonight over area of Shamatia (NW. Deir ez-Zur)
6 天 前