5 October 2024
Hungary rejects Ukraine's call to allow arms supplies to transit through its territory and ban Russian oil and gas
Dnipro regional administration: Russia targeted military unit near Dnipro city with 2 missiles. Rescuers working on the site2 year ago
Dnipro regional administration: Russia targeted military unit near Dnipro city with 2 missiles. Rescuers working on the site
UK Defense Ministry says Ukraine seized towns and positions up to 35 kilometres east of Kyiv after counter-attacks and Russians falling back on overextended supply lines2 year ago
UK Defense Ministry says Ukraine seized towns and positions up to 35 kilometres east of Kyiv after counter-attacks and Russians falling back on overextended supply lines
Russian cyber actors targeted US and international ICS/SCADA and energy facilities, attempting to cause damage to systems and supply chains. Today, @FBI & @DoJ announced criminal charges against four MCAs, most from FSB Center 16, for targeting civilian critical infrastructure
Indictment by @TheJusticeDept of Russian gov actors' (from MoD Research Institute and FSB) work over the years to compromise global energy infrastructure. The efforts to compromise safety systems of oil refineries in Saudi and US are disturbing
State Dept offering $10 million for info on Russian government hackers
New alert from @CISAgov, @FBI, and @ENERGY: It documents historical cyber activity of Russian state-sponsored cyber operations. and assesses that there is an ongoing threat to the U.S. energy sector
The US State Department: We are coordinating with partners to ensure that Russia does not circumvent the sanctions
Russia sent 100 soldiers and 4 Military helicopters to Qamishli airport northeastern Syria
The United States, the European Union and largely western allies have blocked Belarus' bid to join the World Trade Organization, saying its complicity in Russia's invasion of Ukraine makes it unfit for membership in the global trade group
2 year ago
The U.N. atomic watchdog hopes to deploy around 15 to 20 staff to Ukraine's nuclear facilities if an agreement with Kyiv and Moscow is reached on ensuring safety there, a U.S. congressman said on Thursday after a meeting with the watchdog's chief
President Biden says he thinks Russia should be removed from the G20. But it'll depend on G20 members. He added that if it can't happen, he believes Ukraine should be allowed to attend the G20 meetings
"We would respond." US President Biden wouldn't give any details, but said there would be a response should Russia use chemical weapons in Ukraine
.@POTUS speaking at NATO. Says "NATO has never been more United. Putin is getting exactly the opposite of what he intended"
Any demand by Russia to receive payment in roubles for its gas exports would represent a breach of contract, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said on Thursday
2 year ago
5 civilians killed, 8 wounded as result of Russian attacks today in Luhansk region - head of regional administration
If Russia President Putin were to use WMDs in Ukraine "the consequences would be very, very severe" but you "have to have an ambiguity about your response," says @BorisJohnson to reporters following @NATO meeting
Unknown people left a pig's head outside Ekho Moskvy editor Alexei Venediktov's apartment and put a Ukrainian crest sticker on his door with Judensau – Jewish pig – written on it2 year ago
Unknown people left a pig's head outside Ekho Moskvy editor Alexei Venediktov's apartment and put a Ukrainian crest sticker on his door with "Judensau" – Jewish pig" – written on it
Poland's PM @Morawieckim ahead of the EUCO: We should act decisively in the area of sanctions on gas, oil and coal from Russia. If we do not pay this price today, we will pay it one way or another tomorrow or the day after
Prime Minister Morawiecki before the EU summit: what is happening in Ukraine is a massacre, it is barbaric. Poland organizes diplomatic and humanitarian aid for Ukraine, we provide defensive weapons
A very important aspect for me as the President of the country that borders Ukraine is and will be to increase the presence of NATO on the eastern flank of the Alliance - President @AndrzejDuda after the Extraordinary NATO Summit
The most important topic of the NATO summit was what other measures the North Atlantic Alliance can and should take to end Russia's aggression towards Ukraine - President Andrzej Duda said
.@MorawieckiM: Poland is fulfilling its duty today, to its neighbor, but also to the free world. In order for it to remain safe, to be able to restore peace in Ukraine, today we need determination towards Russia, but also great heart and courage towards Ukraine
The G7 warns Russia against the use of nuclear or chemical/ biological weapons in Ukraine
.@presidentpl: the president of the USA definitely declared that Art. 5 of the NATO Treaty will be launched as needed
.@MorawieckiM: What is happening in Ukraine is not an ordinary war, aggression of one army against another, it is slaughter against civilians, women, children and the elderly. Humanitarian convoys are under attack, which is barbaric
.@MorawieckiM: We will appeal to cut off access to European ports, cut off trade with Russia by road or rail, and treat the sanctions as seriously as possible, this is the only way for Russia to withdraw from its aggressive policy
2 year ago
Adviser to the Ukrainian President: The progress of the Russian forces has practically stopped in several regions due to their lack of the necessary resources
1 month since Russia started devastating war, UNGA (with resounding majority-140) just adopted a resolution Humanitarian Consequences of Aggression against Ukraine demands to stop the war
2 year ago
On Thursday, the National Council decided on comprehensive support for the digitization of the media - and at the same time a ban on broadcasting Russia Today in Austria