5 October 2024
2 year ago
Swedish Head of Operations: Russian ships are on their way out of the Baltic Sea
.@SecBlinken: Moscow is simultaneously driving the false narrative that @NATO is threatening Russia. These claims are all false
Canada advises against non-essential travel to Ukraine citing 'ongoing Russian aggression'2 year ago
Canada advises against non-essential travel to Ukraine citing 'ongoing Russian aggression'
Military echelon filmed in Moscow region2 year ago
Military echelon filmed in Moscow region
49. Train with higher echelon unit (including 2x R-149BMR Kushetka-B command/staff vehicles + 2x R-166-0.5 signals vehicles etc) filmed + geolocated by @danvan71 in tweet 42 near Krasnoyarsk (pic 1), now clearly moved further west to Ryazan 1 station
Military echelon geolocated at 
Angasolka station.2 year ago
Military echelon geolocated at Angasolka station.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says that while there's an urgent need for diplomacy to resolve the crisis in eastern Europe, it's up to Russia, not Ukraine, to show flexibility
2 year ago
Russian media watchdog Roskomnadzor demanded that Meta remove restrictions from the Facebook page of the Permanent Russian delegation in Vienna
US Department of State: .@SecBlinken and French Foreign Minister @JY_LeDrian had a phone call today on EU discussions about Russian aggression and U.S.-EU support for Ukraine
2 year ago
Russia does not threaten anyone with a military operation, but will be forced to take countermeasures in the event of further NATO expansion, - Putin's spokesperson Peskov
2 year ago
Russia will never discuss with anyone the issue of deploying missiles in the Kaliningrad region, - Putin's spokesperson Peskov
2 year ago
Relations between Russia and NATO approached the red line due to military support of Ukraine by the alliance - Putin's spokesperson Peskov
2 year ago
Russia observes NATO's gradual invasion of Ukraine, can't move along it anymore - Putin's spokesperson Peskov
Two picketers were detained in Moscow's Pushkin Square with signs saying Free political prisoners. I want to live in a free country and I'm against torture and repressions in Russia2 year ago
Two picketers were detained in Moscow's Pushkin Square with signs saying "Free political prisoners. I want to live in a free country" and "I'm against torture and repressions in Russia
Military echelon filmed near Irkutsk2 year ago
Military echelon filmed near Irkutsk
Some days ago, a host of strange NOTAMs were issued for the Voronezh, Valuyki and Boguchar areas2 year ago
Some days ago, a host of strange NOTAMs were issued for the Voronezh, Valuyki and Boguchar areas
Iran's former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave a harsh interview against Taliban to Aamaj News: "Taliban are a serious threat to the world, China, Russia and Pakistan will regret supporting Taliban"
2 year ago
Putin to host Iran's Raisi. Russian President Putin will host his Iranian counterpart Raisi for talks in Moscow next week as Russia tries to help salvage a nuclear deal between world powers and Tehran, state television channel Rossiya-1 reported on Sunday. - Reuters -
Military echelon filmed in Bryansk2 year ago
Military echelon filmed in Bryansk
Uragan MLRS unit labelled 'Towards Bryansk' now seen at Bryansk/Ordzhonikidzegrad station. Here 4 of 9T452 reload vehicles with support vehicles in same configuration (1 with same camo).2 year ago
Uragan MLRS unit labelled 'Towards Bryansk' now seen at Bryansk/Ordzhonikidzegrad station. Here 4 of 9T452 reload vehicles with support vehicles in same configuration (1 with same camo).
More videos appeared online of Russian servicemen or reservists at railway stations
Loading station by Krasnaya Rechka2 year ago
Loading station by Krasnaya Rechka
.@JakeSullivan46: Our position is quite straightforward. If the Russian military moves across the Ukrainian frontier to seize territory, we believe that that is the further invasion of Ukraine, and it will trigger a response from the United States & the international community
2 year ago
Russian Direct Investment Fund provided WHO with all the documentation on Sputnik V vaccine - WHO representative in Russia
Military echelon in Ulyanovsk region2 year ago
Military echelon in Ulyanovsk region
Military equipment moved in Naushki2 year ago
Military equipment moved in Naushki
Military echelon filmed in Omsk2 year ago
Military echelon filmed in Omsk
Military echelon filmed in Ufa2 year ago
Military echelon filmed in Ufa
2 year ago
Kyiv believes hackers linked to Belarusian intelligence carried out a cyberattack that hit Ukrainian government websites and used malware similar to that used by a group tied to Russian intelligence. The strike was cover for more destructive actions behind the scenes
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. The Secretary and High Representative discussed their close coordination, alongside NATO Allies and European partners, to respond to Russia’s continued deeply troubling military buildup in and near Ukraine