6 July 2024
New statement from Biden: "President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring"
Assive fire on the Mariupol front as Russian forces targeted the frontline with a massive GRAD barrage2 year ago
Assive fire on the Mariupol front as Russian forces targeted the frontline with a massive GRAD barrage
Kramatorsk is being attacked
2 year ago
Putin: NATO has crossed a red line. Collision is imminent
2 year ago
Putin in an address declares military operation against Ukraine
UN Secretary General, just now: "President Putin, stop your troops from attacking Ukraine. Give peace a chance. Too many people have already died"
Russian Strategic Bomber Voice HF active on 8131 Kilohertz USB at 0215 GMT. Aircraft passing short figure messages to ground control. Very busy.
Per NOTAM, flights by civil aircraft are now restricted inside Ukraine2 year ago
Per NOTAM, flights by civil aircraft are now restricted inside Ukraine
Blinken: We are doubling our security, diplomatic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine
Better stated: Some UN Security Council members are working on a resolution on Ukraine - which is certain to meet a Russian veto
U.S.. Secretary of state Blinken believes Russia will invade Ukraine before the night is over - NBC news
UN Security Council to hold emergency session on Ukraine Wednesday night, diplomats say
Russia closes airspace near Ukrainian border to civilian flights (NOTAM)2 year ago
Russia closes airspace near Ukrainian border to civilian flights (NOTAM)
Video uploaded 2 hours ago shows a single tank in Grayvoron in the Belgorod region of Russia, per video author. Grayvoron is as close as 5km from the Ukrainian border2 year ago
Video uploaded 2 hours ago shows a single tank in Grayvoron in the Belgorod region of Russia, per video author. Grayvoron is as close as 5km from the Ukrainian border
Ukrainian FM Kuleba: Ukraine has requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council due to the appeal by Russian occupation administrations in Donetsk and Luhansk to Russia with a request to provide them with military assistance, which is a further escalation of the security situation
Russian convoys and towed artillery are moving south and positioned within 50 miles of Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, per satellite photos today.  camera:@Maxar2 year ago
Russian convoys and towed artillery are moving south and positioned within 50 miles of Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, per satellite photos today. camera:@Maxar
Russian warplanes deployed in the sky of Al-Bab city in the countryside of Aleppo, in conjunction with hearing the sounds of explosions
"We have provided some cyber resilience training and assistance to Ukrainians," says @PentagonPresSec adding like @SecDef said last week that cyberattacks are a piece of a Russian playbook
2 year ago
Ukrainian FM Kuleba: Worrying reports from Crimea on the entire night shift of Titan chemicals plant in Armyansk evacuated from the facility. This might be a preparation for another staged provocation by Russia
2 year ago
Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss today, slamming Russia's decision to recognize Ukraine's breakaway regions. "They discussed the extensive bilateral coordination on developing:severe economic measures against Russia”
Videos uploaded about 4 hours ago from the Belgorod region show massive movement of Russian armaments in the direction of the border. Geolocation is 50.435195, 36.389051 - less than 8 miles from Ukrainian border
80% of total Russian conventional forces "uncoiled" and ready to invade Ukraine, per senior US defense official
US to sanction the company building the Nordstream2 pipeline, reports @Reuters
The U.S. issued a new warning the Ukrainian government on Monday night eastern time that the latest intelligence points to a full-scale Russian invasion imminently. Of particular concern is the major northeastern city of Kharkiv
United States representative: Russia does not want to de-escalate the situation
The representative of the United States: We do not have an option for de-escalation due to the Russian escalation, although we prefer the diplomatic option
NATO Secretary General: We have pushed more military reinforcements to Eastern Europe
NATO Secretary General: We will work to strengthen defense capabilities by deploying more forces
EU adopts sanctions package in response to Russia's recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk and the sending of troops
A blockade of 17 main roads in Montenegro will be organized tomorrow by the same people (leaders of Dem. Front) who were sentenced for plotting to commit "terrorist acts and undermine the constitutional order of Montenegro" in 2016, together with Russian GRU operatives