2 рок таму It's propaganda
Putin says will not send conscripts or reservists to Ukraine
"Air space over Ukraine️ remains contested," says @PentagonPresSec,-Russian forces continue to fly their aircraft but do not have control of the skies, he adds
Aid to help Ukraine forces "continues to flow" into Ukraine, says @PentagonPresSec without providing details
2 рок таму 4 fixed-wing aircraft (likely Belarussian) and 91 helicopters at Machulishchy Air Base in Belarus, yesterday 06 Mar 2022. The amount of helicopters, including 15x Mi-26, vastly exceed the size of the flag-Belarus Air Force, so they are likely Russian
Russia could cut gas supplies via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany, but it has not made such a decision yet, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Monday
2 рок таму Сёння ў @ POTUS адбыўся бяспечны відэасувязь з прэзідэнтам Макронам, канцлерам Шольцам і прэм'ер-міністрам Джонсанам. Лідэры пацвярджаюць сваю рашучасць працягваць нарошчваць выдаткі Расеі на яе несправакаванае і неабгрунтаванае ўварванне ва Украіну
Mykolaiv Governor: 8 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in a Russian air strike today
The European Commission is drawing up a 4th EU sanctions package on Russia. On the table is various options such as a ban on maritime traffic, more banks under SWIFT (though not Sberbank apparently), coal, oil & more oligarchs to be listed
Амерыканскі вайсковы чыноўнік: няма доказаў таго, што Расея рыхтуе больш тактычных груп для адпраўкі ва Украіну
Амерыканскі вайсковы чыноўнік: Расея ўжо накіравала ва Украіну 100% войскаў, якія былі для гэтага падрыхтаваныя. Запусціў 625 ракет
A US official: We do not have a ready number of F-16 fighters to be delivered to countries that may supply fighter jets to Ukraine.
2 рок таму Russian fuel convoy ambushed and destroyed by Ukrainian troops near Pryluky east of Kyiv
Russian Military Police conducted a joint patrol with Turkish forces in the eastern countryside of northern #Syria's #Kobani
British F-35 jets have landed at Ämari Air Base in Estonia Estonia as they prepare to undertake air patrols over Eastern Europe to deter Russia from taking any aggressive actions against NATO members
2 рок таму Вялікі грузавік урэзаўся ў вароты расейскай амбасады на поўдні Дубліна. Адзін мужчына быў арыштаваны
German Chancellor Scholz says EU energy needs can't be secured without Russian imports, no plans to suspend them
2 рок таму Токмак Запарожская вобласць пратэстуе супраць расейскай акупацыі
2 рок таму Kremlin readout of PM Modi -Putin discussion today
2 рок таму Russian supply convoy ambushed in Kharkiv region
2 рок таму Ukrainian forces claim to have downed a Russian Athlon Avia's A1-SM Furia in Nizhyn area. [Thanks to @AuroraIntel for ID]
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu confirmed on Monday that the Russian and Ukrainian Foreign Ministers will meet in Antalya on Thursday. This will mark the first meeting between the two since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24
2 рок таму Advisor to office of President of Ukraine: Negotiations with the Russian Federation. Third round. Beginning at 16.00 Kyiv time. Delegation unchanged
Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister: We demand Russia to immediately respond to the request for a ceasefire
Урад РФ зацвердзіў спіс недружалюбных краін: у яго ўваходзяць ЗША, члены ЕС, Вялікабрытанія, Украіна, Японія і іншыя.
Iryna Vereshchuk, a Ukrainian deputy prime minister, said Russia's proposal to evacuate Ukrainian citizens to Russian territory was "ridiculous" and "cynical
2 рок таму Anti-russian protest in Kherson
Колькасць загінулых у выніку абстрэлу расейскімі крылатымі ракетамі аэрапорта Вінніцы ўзрасла да 9 чалавек, з іх 5 мірных жыхароў
2 рок таму У Чарнігаве падчас абстрэлу расейская армія разбурыла школу 18, падраздзяленні грамадзянскай абароны шукаюць пад заваламі тых, хто выжыў
2 рок таму "Putin lies and Ukrainians, our citizens, die." Anton Korynevych is representing Ukraine in the case against Russia at the UN's International Court of Justice (ICJ) asking for orders to Moscow to halt the invasion