2 Студзень 2025
New State Dept warning issued for Ukraine: "The security situation continues to be unpredictable due to the increased threats of Russian military action. U.S. citizens should consider departing now”
US senior admin official on Russia's UNSC presidency: "I think the bigger issue and maybe the question is how Russia wants to use the events that it puts on the calendar in February to address or potentially distract from the situation in Ukraine and its own actions”
UK prime minister Boris Johnson will speak to Russia's president Putin in coming days on Ukraine crisis. - Coming week could be important one for Johnson on foreign policy stage as he looks to assert UK role in mediating crisis2 рок таму
UK prime minister Boris Johnson will speak to Russia's president Putin in coming days on Ukraine crisis. - Coming week could be important one for Johnson on foreign policy stage as he looks to assert UK role in mediating crisis
Rep. Gregory Meeks, who is leading a congressional delegation in Ukraine, says there must be a plan A and a plan B, because we don't know what Putin will do as Russia's troop buildup near Ukraine continues.  Meeks added he's confident Ukrainians will defend their country2 рок таму
Rep. Gregory Meeks, who is leading a congressional delegation in Ukraine, says there must be a "plan A and a plan B, because we don't know what Putin will do" as Russia's troop buildup near Ukraine continues. Meeks added he's "confident" Ukrainians will defend their country
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Russia's statistics agency Rosstat reports that the nation's population fell by over 1 million in 2021
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"If war were to break out on a scale and scope that is possible, the civilian population will suffer immensely," Gen. Milley warns. He tells @barbarastarrcnn if the forces massed by Russia were unleashed on Ukraine, "it would be horrific, it would be terrible”
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U.S. military's top officer: "We strongly encourage Russia to stand down." Gen. Milley says Ukraine has the "right to be independent”
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Russia's military buildup near Ukraine has expanded to include supplies of blood along with other medical materials that would allow it to treat casualties, a key indicator of Moscow's military readiness, three U.S. officials tell @Reuters
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Zelensky says the White House is making the Russian invasion threat "as burning as possible" - "in my opinion, this is a mistake." Again criticizes withdrawals of staff/families from Western embassies - says the moves were "redundant and wrong"
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Зяленскі: Я не думаю, што Белы дом вельмі памыляецца ў сваім аналізе. Я думаю, што яны ўцягнутыя ў гэтую інфармацыйную сытуацыю, якая ствараецца вакол нашых межаў
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Зяленскі кажа, што мы бачым 100 000 расейскіх вайскоўцаў. Калі гэта адбудзецца, то гэта будзе адкрытая вайна. Жудасная вайна, і мы гэта разумеем.
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Zelensky says it was a "mistake" for Western embassies - the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia - to withdraw families and non-essential staff. "In these circumstances, everyone is essential"
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Zelensky says Putin invited him to Sochi, asks why there: "Do you want me to ski there?" Suggests Odessa instead. "Let's swim in the sea."
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Zelensky, still asking questions to Putin: "Why are you proposing things that won't work? This is just blunt cynicism at high level."
Zelensky: I don't want Ukraine to be a result between president Biden and President Putin. President Biden assured me that nothing will be decided behind Ukraine's back about the destiny and future about our country2 рок таму
Zelensky: I don't want Ukraine to be a result between president Biden and President Putin. President Biden assured me that nothing will be decided behind Ukraine's back about the destiny and future about our country
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Zelensky says he'd ask Putin: "Why do you need so many soldiers there?.... Why do you need to have drills specifically on that territory, on that border?... What is this sado-masochism? What is the pleasure of someone being afraid?"
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Зяленскі кажа, што спадзяецца на трохбаковыя перамовы паміж ЗША, Расіяй і Украінай
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Zelensky: "I don't want Ukraine to be the result of an agreement between President Biden and President Putin"
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Zelensky, asked about Germany's role in the crisis, says Berlin has important influence in Europe. "That's why we expect you to help us"
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Zelensky wandering into internal Ukrainian divisions - talking about how oligarchs and some of the former political elite "don't care what is happening in the country."
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Зяленскі: "Самая вялікая рызыка - не ўтрымаць краіну разам. Унутраная дэстабілізацыя. Гэта самае слабое звяно"
The unloading of Russian troops was seen in Maryina Horka on January 27.  There were trucks with the 25th region on license plates (Eastern Military District) near the Russian Railways train2 рок таму
The unloading of Russian troops was seen in Maryina Horka on January 27. There were trucks with the 25th region on license plates (Eastern Military District) near the Russian Railways train
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Zelensky hints that if war starts in Ukraine, there will also be Russian provocations against the Baltic states - asks whether NATO will act. "Are they convinced they will be protected, defended - that somebody's going to die for their statehood"
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Zelensky says he does see the threat of a proxy war involving cyberattacks and information warfare - possibly also "subversive" attacks (he mentions a grenade exploding). "The threat is constant.. We have learned to live with this"
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Адказваючы на пытанне, што робяць украінскія ўлады, каб падрыхтавацца да магчымага нападу, Зяленскі сказаў, што "не павінна быць панікі. У нас магутная армія".
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Zelensky: "We have to be very careful in how we speak out.. We can't say that the war will happen tomorrow." Points out (correctly) that some analysts have been predicting imminent war since November
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Zelensky: "We may lose the economy of our country. People come first." Repeats that Russian threat is the same as in April 2021
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Sky News пытаецца ў Зяленскага, ці прымяншае ён пагрозу расейскага нападу, каб выратаваць эканоміку Украіны. Адказ: Я думаю, што вы прымаеце мяне за іншага прэзідэнта Украіны
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Зяленскі кажа, што нарошчванне расейскай арміі - гэта псіхалагічны ціск, каб паўплываць на перамовы
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Zelensky speaking to foreign media: "If you look only at the satellites, you will see the increase of troops. You can't assess whether this is a threat, an attack, or a simple rotation"